Monday, 8 June 2009

Snoring Causes: What You Need To Know About Snoring Causes Before Finding A Treatment

There are many different snoring causes, and before you try to fix your snoring problem it's important that you find the source. If you do, you could end up spending a lot of money on a cure that won't work for you. For example, sometimes dentists have to make a special device to stop people from snoring. It's called a mandibular advancement splint, and while they aren't uncomfortable to wear, they can put a huge dent in your bank account. They have to be custom made to fit your mouth and can cost upwards of $3,000. While there are kits that you can buy to make your own mandibular advancement splint, they still cost around $300. That's a lot of money to blow on a cure that won't work for you.

The most common snoring causes include the tongue interfering with the free flow of air to the lungs, narrow nasal passages, smoking and obesity. While it may sound weird to hear that obesity can cause snoring, it makes sense when you look at the science behind it. If you're overweight, you're overweight all over your body. This means that not only do your thighs and waistline expand when you get fatter, but your neck does as well. The fat that accumulates around the neck is the culprit, as it puts pressure on your throat that wouldn't otherwise be there. The result is snoring, and the only way to cure this particular problem is to lose weight. Smoking is also one of the main snoring causes, as smokers tend to get more phlegm in their throats than nonsmokers. This combined with the throat weakening effects that smoking has, translates to snoring at night.

Other snoring causes are easier to fix. For example, many people find relief by using nose strips. These strips are affordable and comfortable. They work by gently pulling open your nasal passages, encouraging air to flow in through your nose instead of your mouth.