Have you ever experienced annoyance posed by the sound changes of person snoring before? Can you imagine after stressful day's work if your partner will not allow you to sleep well because of his or her fearful snoring sounds. Snoring annoy to an extent that you will like to put trees into ears.
Snoring is due to vibration of the soft palate or elongated uvula, which is often caused by sleeping on the back with the mouth open and breathing partly through the nose. Any obstruction in the nose will increase likelihood of snoring. In Children, many cases of snoring are due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Adenoids are tonsil-like growth in the back of the nasal passage in the throat. Inflammation of the adenoids are called Adenoiditis.
Extremely obese persons and the elderly have a greater tendency to snore; it is also a common feature in drunkenness and in patients under anesthesia. Normally, snoring is harmless but annoying to the listener (subject is never aware of it).
If he is kept from lying on his or her back, he or she will stop. Snoring, however, is a grave symptom when the subject is in coma.
Brain injury: if the patient is unconscious and snoring this is a serious sign. There will usually be bleeding from the mouth, nose, or ears.
Nasal Polyps: polyps are soft, moist, grape-like growths hanging on stem in the mucous membrane of the nose. The cause is usually an allergy. Symptoms are obstruction, excessive nasal discharge, loss of smell, headache, occasionally snoring.
Adenoiditis: the adenoids situate in the back of the pharynx, near the nasal passages at the Eustachian tube. Extreme infection of the adenoids can cause otitis media, fluid collections in the middle ear, and hearing loss. Primary symptoms are breathing through the mouth, nasal speech, lowered mental ability. Antibiotics will relieve mild infections. Drinking or eating anything cold (ice cream) can bring about some relief. Repeated infections may indicate surgery. Gargling is useless.
Stroke: Snoring reflects severity of the stroke if the patient is in coma.
We can save our marriages and relationship if we will pay attention to prevent the way we snore. Try and keep your sleeping partner to sleep without any disturbance. Love your sleeping partner as yourself.